Calculator Thing (and more)

Enter an equation then press 'Calculate.'

Example equations: 2 + 2
(5 - 8)^7 + 14
2 / 5 + 17 * 3
[4 * (1 - 3) + 2] / 6
{4^3 - [(2 + 5 * 8) - 13] * 2} - 25^2 / 3


How does one use this thing?

Supported operations
- Addition: 1 + 3
- Subtraction: 3 - 7
- Multiplication: 7 * 6
- Division: 5 / 7
- Exponents: 2^10
- Parentheses/braces/brackets: (4 - 2) * 5

So what does this calculator do?

- Yep, it can do some math
- That's about it really
Follow the order of operations and all that
- It does stuff in parentheses first
- Then exponents
- Then multiplication and division
- Then addition and subtraction
Decimals are supported
- The calculator will provide financial and emotional support for any decimals in need

What can't this calcutor do?

- I'm not even going to attempt that.
Implicit multiplication with parentheses
- Typing something like "(2)(3)" will break my calculator. So please don't do that.
- If you want something to be multiplied, you need to type out one of these little star things: *
Negative number declarations
- If you try to put a negative number like "-2" in your equation, my calculator will not work.
- If you need a negative number, try doing something like this: (0 - 2)
- Intuitive, right?
- No
- Just no.

Dialog Testing

Click this to test out the dialog.

Click this to test out the other dialog.

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